Easy Use: Weighing Pros of White Slipcovers in Your Home Design
Well, we survived our first major snowstorm of the season. And boy it was a doozy! As I got back to work this week, all the snow made me...

Small Changes For Big Decorating Impact
Last weekend, as we had our first snowfall of 2016, the last of my Christmas decorations were finally put away. The freezing weather has...

How to Repair, Reuse and Shop Your Home for a Fresh Look in the New Year
Every New Year, brings with it something…well…new. This year’s “new” began during the Christmas season with a steady stream of calls for...

Decorating For Winter: Tips To Avoid Post-Christmas Blues
Happy New Year! I am still trying to process how quickly the Christmas season has come and gone. Personally, I had a wonderful time of...